Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Be a young failure - Fail while you're young and fail fast

Failing is a good thing, but it depends on how you fail. There are two ways to fail
1- Failing successfully
2- Failing  while failing

1- Failing successfully - This is the good way of failing. It is learning while failing and being able to pick yourself up, retrace your steps, examine and evaluate why and how you failed and understanding steps to take and not to take in order to fail or win in such an endeavor. Failing successfully, briefly explains the concept of - you can't do something the same way and expect a different result.

2- Failing while failing- Contrary to the above statement, people who fail while failing are committed to doing the same thing the same way and expecting a different result- that's if they even try to redo the same thing after trying and failing once. Failing while failing is for losers who want a fast way out, neglect the process and are more focused on the goal.

The process is more important than the goal.

The process is what shapes you into what you become when the goal has been achieved. The process is what teaches you the steps to take and to avoid when trying to achieve the goal.

Thomas Edison once said it would take him just five years to rebuild everything he has achieved if he looses it. He was so confident of this because he was true to the process and he understood the process of how he achieved his goal.

Being a young failure is my way of advising you to start young.

Its easier to start business while you're young than when you're old. What are the odds of starting young?
- You practically have nothing to loose
- Time is on your side,
- You can explore so many other options while you're young
- You can afford to fail more and fail fast so you can learn quicker and retrace your steps.

Lets get practical, would you rather buy a biro from a 30 year old man or from a 10 year old boy with his cute face trying to be entrepreneurial? Most of us would prefer to support the child, at least till he gets older and enters the labour market, not because his pen is better, but because we are proud of a young entrepreneur and want to encourage him. But in reality, the old man needs it more probably to support his family, whereas, the boy can always be fed by his parents, whether or not he sells the stationery.

Get your hands into as many things as you can while you're young, be true to the process and learn, don't let people do it all for you, get your hands in the dirt and try to solve business problems yourself.
Fail fast, fail young, learn and be great.

Think WITTEE! Think Intelligence

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