Friday, June 24, 2016


Not taking risk is a risk itself

I remember a while back, I boarded a public vehicle. Even though it wasn't so comfortable, it was memorable. I remember the vehicle parked at a bus-stop, there was a man having a chat with someone just outside the bus speaking very good English, then the conductor got down to call for passengers and just as the vehicle was about moving, the man speaking good English jumped and hung on the vehicle, but this time, he spoke Yoruba in a very deep voice telling the conductor he wanted to follow them. At a point while the vehicle was still in motion, this same man jumped down. Apparently, he was the conductor of another public transport vehicle and he jumped down soon as he saw his vehicle. The driver of the bus I was then made a comment, he applauded him for jumping down while the vehicle was still in such motion and said to his own conductor, "That guy na professional conductor".
Then I thought to myself, could there be anything like a professional conductor?

I remembered when I heard the quality of English he was speaking. A series of questions began crossing my mind, "Could this young man be a BSC Holder? Could he be a professional in a different academic career path? Where did he get it wrong?

He was probably excellent at something order than being the 'professional conductor', my guess is, when life got tough, he wasn't able to get tougher which led him to his current job, maybe he couldn't get a job, probably he didn't like his previous job etc. Whatever the case may be, you must be better than that. Tough times don't last, its only tough people that last.

Many of us end up in Jobs we don't like and remain at it, not because we don't have other ideas, not because we don't know how to go about them, but because of fear. Fear is the number one killer of dreams in the world. Many of us fear to take risks, because we are scared of the outcomes, we are scared of failing.
We should learn to think like children. Children don't fear failure, for instance, a child learns to walk by trying and falling (failing), but the child keeps trying till he can finally walk. It seems the older we grow, the more fearful we become. We should embrace failure and learn from it. Don't be scared to take risks.
Not taking risk is a risk itself, for instance, if you fall under the category of people who hate their jobs and you have a great business idea or a very good cv which you know many other companies wouldn't resist. In such a situation, not risking to resign your job and probably starting your own business or looking for another job is a risk itself. By not taking the risk, you risk not getting a better job, you risk not starting your own business and being your own boss, you risk not knowing what it feels like to live a better life, you risk always being bitter going to work which could cause depression, you risk not discovering your true self.
Don't end up like the professional conductor, take that risk that promises you a better tomorrow, if you fail, you learn your mistake, pick yourself up and try again.

In today's business world, I doubt if there is any business where the entrepreneur had to try 1000 times to achieve business success like it took to invent the light bulb. The light bulb story is enough proof that failure is a learning process. If you don't learn from your mistakes after failing, then you are failing while failing, but learning from your failures makes you better while failing. Take the risk because really, you have nothing to loose, Vanity upon vanity; all is vanity. Won't you rather make your mark on this world rather than returning to your maker with nothing to be remembered for or no record of achievement? Naked you came, naked you shall return. May you not end up like the professional conductor.

Think WITTEE! Think intelligence!

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